Monday, 26 September 2016

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

We all know the story of the artist, nobody but except a handful is ready to spend a huge amount of money on art.But an artist usually spends months crafting a paint yet, in the end, all they could sell is a mere penny or would even end up as a gift to a friend because they literally plead you.
The artists need perfection and that's what they demand whenever they work, but yes living a life of an artist is not some bed of roses that we all dream about.  It takes the time to get a reputed name.
These days, if one is talented, it is not hard to be noticed in social media platforms, but  talents belong to those people who really hard work hard, have the passion and thirst to reached their attained goals.  
In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

This time, I got hold of a naga artist who in now based in Delhi, interacted with her in facebook.
Well, she is none other than Charazia Leo, a 26-year-old from Dimapur, an upcoming artist from Nagaland, a lady who is trying to define her dreams,a graduate in Interior Design. Charazia has recently participated in an exhibition at Mavalankar Hall in Delhi. Let’s read on to know more about her.
In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo
Give us a quick glimpse of your background
Hi, I am Charazia Leo, from Dimapur. I did my schooling from Holy Cross School and then +2 science from St. John Residential School, Dimapur. I have completed my diploma in Interior Design from South Delhi Polytechnic for Women and Interior Design from Punjab Technical University. I did a freelancing consultation for a residential project in Dimapur. Now am currently working as a Graphic Designer for an e-commerce in Delhi. I do Ink illustrations, pencil sketches and paper cutting craft.
Tell us your story, How it all started?
There was not a specific moment of how it all started. As a kid, I was always into doodling (drawing/sketching). If you give me a pencil and a paper, I would end up doodling anything that caught my interest. My all time favourite subject for sketching is the human eye and a female form. I would always unconsciously end up doodling either an eye or a woman.

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

When did you decide you wanted to become an artist?
I was always confused as a kid or I still am haha. I never knew what to be as a child. Growing up to be an artist was never in my mind. All the inspirations and encouragement for it came from family and friends and I gradually knew that I had to pursue it.
Would you choose it as a profession or a part-time interest?
It is part of my profession. I have always been fascinated with creative challenges and understanding the creative process.
In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo
What’s could be your greatest weakness?
My greatest weakness will be my obsession with perfection. It is hard at times being a perfectionist because you are never satisfied with the end product if it’s not in its perfect form.
How often do you stick to your work?
I work according to my mood, sometimes when the inspiration kicks in, I would continuously work without any break; other times the project stays pending for a very long period. So basically depending on the deadline and the mood, the work is handled.
In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo
What is your biggest design career moment?
My greatest achievement would be the recent exhibition which was held in Delhi. It was my first ever exhibition as an artist and all my illustrations were sold out. I also got contacts with new prospective clients. It was a really proud moment to see your project being understood and well received.

Tell me something about your latest design projects
My current project is to do a test out of the craft store I am planning to put up in social media. It will be a big challenge career-wise to do all the sourcing, the legwork involved and the understanding of the current market demands.
What would you do if you could not be an artist?
Alternatively, I would be a makeup artist.
In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo
Where do you seek inspiration from?
Rain is a big inspiration for me. I always get really artistic and motivated when it rains. It reminds me of "Home". The beauty of how everything goes green after it rains, words can’t just define it. Well, I also follow and connect with artists in Instagram to know their techniques and understand any new form of art.
The story behind you struggles, what inspires you to motivate yourself?
My shyness and introvert nature is a big time struggle. People don’t understand how an introvert mind works so it becomes difficult to connect with people at times. I am learning to deal with it by doing an on and off switch according to the situation I am presented with.
Would you prefer to work in Nagaland or work outside?
Definitely, in Nagaland, I love where I am from and I would be back to the place I love.
How would you like market your products when you have one?
Social media is where I would market my products as a starter. But a physical store is a dream I would love to achieve someday.
In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo
Do you see any scopes in Nagaland, being a graduate from the industry, what is your opinion?
Nagaland is a growing market. People are more aware of the value of art and design. As a graduate of Interior Design, I believe the decor market is very promising at present. Nagas are always renovating and up to date with the latest "In" design. So, yes it has a good scope. Not exposed as they deserved to be but I believed it’s a gradual process which will take time. It would be a big help by fellow Nagas who are studying abroad or settled there to promote the products of the artist out there. Word of mouth is very essential in this field and they need to do so to put the artist in the market.
What is your message to people out here?
Message for all the artists: Be brave be confident, know your flaws and learn how to work with it. You as an artist are selling yourself as the product so seize any opportunity you get to put yourself out there. Understand your clients and incorporate that in your work.  
For the rest of the people: Help your fellow Nagas by promoting their talents and putting them on the map. Support artists and become an art patron.
You can follow her on facebook at or Instagram at 
In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

In conversation with a naga artist: Charazia Leo

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Can Nagaland produce world-class Taekwondo players?

Nagaland is a state where all the popular/major sports are followed with almost religious fervor, right from the Indian Premier League (IPL) to the Indian Super League (ISL), from the English Premier League to the Champions League. From the NBA to the Wimbledon, all though the year the never-ending cycle continues.
But despite such massive following of sports of all discipline, we sadly are yet to produce sportspersons of repute in the international arena – except for some few. 
Can Nagaland produce world-class Taekwondo players?
The photos are taken from Nagaland State IFT Championship on September 17
If we look into the history of Taekwondo in Nagaland, teams have shown steady growth and development. Recently in an attempt to get an insight into the history of the sport in Nagaland, Eastern Mirror  interacted with officials of Dimapur District Taekwondo Association (DDTA) World Taekwondo Federation (WTF).
According to the officials: “Taekwondo first came to Nagaland in the year 1986 (through the intitiatives of) R K Shivachandra in Kohima with Pelesielie Khezhie (Pele) who is also the present president of Nagaland Taekwondo Association (NTA).”
In the same year, AK Shyambijay Singh and R K Imocha introduced Taekwondo in Dimapur. But it was only 19 years after, in 2005, that the Dimapur District Taekwondo Association (DDTA) was formed. The first Dimapur District Taekwondo Association team was lead by Late Chiniba Aier as the President of DDTA. Presently Imtirenla Jamir, a beaurucrat,  is the president of DDTA.
In what would come as a piece of good news for Nagaland, the state will be hosting the National Sub-Junior Taekwondo championship in November this year. This will be the first time that Nagaland is hosting the tournament.  
Can Nagaland produce world-class Taekwondo players?
The photos are taken from Nagaland State IFT Championship on September 17
In August 2014, students of Faith-in-Action Taekwondo Academy represented India at the World Taekwondo Hanmadang held in Pohang City in South Korea. They returned with one gold, one silver and ten bronze medals. They also emerged as world champions in the team aerobic competition and became the first team from India to win an international team event after 40 years.
And then we have an unsung hero in Menuodilhou Maurice Usoü who has collected more than 40 medals medals since 2003. In his company, we have Heutingyi Zeliang with three gold medals, one silver, and a bronze at national level  events, Ngaiching Phom and Keyinchigonbe Zeliang have won two gold medals, silver and a bronze each.
Neikhozo Naprantsu has won a gold medal at the 33rd National Sub-Junior Championship held at Andhra Pradesh, while Tenloi bagged a silver medal and Shanlanthung Ovung and Repinku Tikhir has won a bronze medal each. Recently, Heoshe Yeptho won at the National Level Poomsae championship held at Kalimpong in Darjeling while Tridibesh M Chowdhury and Joyson Thangmi bagged silver and bronze repectively.    
This, according the DDTA, was the first time that Nagaland bagged medal in Poomsae category. Now the question is, will all those players be able to make their mark in the international arena as well?
When asked if Nagas have enough facilities to produce a quality player, DDTA officials said: “Yes, as of now we have all the enablers to produce quality players but at the same time we need high technology equipments like sensor chest guard (electronic body protector) which are being used in national and international level championship.”
According to the officials, taekwondo was initially not given importance and many players who represented Nagaland in National and International Level and won the medal for the state was not given recognition.  “We have two categories in the discipline of Taekwondo, one is International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) and other is World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). WTF is affiliated under India Olympic Association as well as World Olympians Association but ITF is not.
“We, Taekwondo Federation, get financial support from the government whenever the players go out to represent the state at the national or international level. As Dimapur District Association we manage the fund from associations to organise district level championship,” DDTA officials informed.
They were also queried on the possibility of turning Taekwondo into a serious profession in Nagaland.  “As mentioned, Taekwondo (WTF) players were not getting job enrolments in government sector under sports quota. Few years back government started recognizing Taekwondo players and gave them jobs under sports quota so now there should not be any reason to being seasonal Taekwondo players. They can take Taekwondo as (a serious) profession.”
Can Nagaland produce world-class Taekwondo players?
The photos are taken from Nagaland State IFT Championship on September 17
The lack of professional coaches in Nagaland also has hindered the players in the national arena. “We need international coach for Poomsae and Kyorugi both. To compete in the national and international (events) our players are good enough but they need updated techniques, which can be taken care by international coach, if government support us for the same.”
The officials are optimistic that Nagaland can produced quality players who can represent Nagaland, as well as India, in international platforms. “Yes very much, our players are having potential to win medals in the international arena as well as Olympics. As mentioned we need an international coach to upgrade Taekwondo in Nagaland,” the officials shared.
Can Nagaland produce world-class Taekwondo players?
The photos are taken from Nagaland State IFT Championship on September 17
Indeed Nagaland has produced many national Taekwondo players who have brought laurels to the state. But being professional fighters, they are supposed to undergo rigorious training regimes even when they are not participating in events. But has the lack of support from the state forced those players to give up their dreams? And are their moments of glory merely seasonal, only to be forgotten swiftly by the people ? 

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger
Every person as a child always has this dream of becoming "somebody renowned" when they grow up but reality sings a different tune of unemployment, disappointment and failures, crushing our naive childhood dreams to pieces. But here is another reality....that dreams come true to those who really work through painful toil and sufferings come rain, sun or storm. There is no short cut to success and no backdoor appointment to talent. One can only achieved it through sheer hard work and commitment to their work. Here is one such person who has devoted his entire life to two passions: an unwavering commitment to practically clicking his dream to pictured life, and an untiring devotion to seeing lives transformed by God's grace as a professional fashion photographer.
“It was my dream to become a photographer, and I am so thankful to God for giving wings to my dreams” says Sentiyanger, a 25-year-old based in Dimapur who have been into fashion photography ever since the age of 17.

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Since like forever, he had always wanted to become a photographer, yet he never verbalize it to his parents about what he wanted to do in life, as they were financially always struggling. But he never gave up his passion for photography.  He did ever kind of manual work and saving money to pursue his dream.
At first, he started his photography with Nokia 5800 and Nokia C3. And then he brought a digital camera Nikon to start his work. After 6years of struggle, he bought his own DSLR; Sentiyanger said “I started to work any kind of work, so that I could buy my own DSLR camera. I couldn’t tell my parents to buy a camera for financially we were not stable. So I started looking for jobs, and started to save money with a leap of confidence in my heart that I'll never give up, I worked hard every day until I got the budget to buy a DSLR camera, as soon I got the budget I left my job and I bought a DSLR Canon D600.

On his way to fashion photography, Sentiyanger speaks about his first fashion shoot when he bought his DSLR Camera, “my first fashion shoot took place after I bought my DSLR camera, those days there was no flashlight and I did not have any expensive equipment...I was so nervous at first about how I'was going to take the shoot. But thankfully, God inspired me and I used three LED lamps light in my first shoot, and this picture changed my life”.
Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger
This picture change my life 
With confidence he says “Today I'm doing what I love and my parents have accepted my dream. And all this happened because I believed in myself; I think if we work hard, we will get anything we want. The only thing in getting what we want takes the time, so we should never give up achieving our dreams. Work hard and pray harder."

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger
SSenti as a fashion photographer faces a lot of challenges and mockery in Nagaland, yet despite all of it, he manages to take every criticism with a smile. “It is not easy to be a fashion photographer but I chose it, so no matter what happens...I will try to be the best in all that God has created me to be and never give up on my dream.”
“Some people laughed and said to me that in Nagaland you can't achieve what you want. But as for me, I just smile at them. I never take their criticism in a wrong way. Instead I take it as a challenge and when I feel low, I always pray to God to help me and lead me in the right direction...I do believe in myself in what I'm doing it and I believe that we Naga people have so much talent if we only believe in ourself. We Nagas can be a trend setter for the world to follow. " 

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger
He says he loves fashion photography because his camera can create what his mind wants him to do.

And he attribute his thankfulness to the people who has encouraged him, motivated him and prayed for him on his journey “I am so lucky that I get good feedback from outside India from fashionistas, photographers and fashion designer as well. In future I would love to travel around the world and collaborate with different people in the fashion industry, but for that today I have to work hard and get to their level. I'm going to get what belongs to me."
Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger
At the end I just wanted to say this....know who you are and for what reason you’re created by God in this world, imitating what others doesn’t prove who you are... God has sent you into this world with different kind of gifts, make used of that when you are here...we never know when our life will pass us by... Find the real and fight for your dream. "

He has been into the industry for 8 years yet the story continues

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Well, are you a fashionista? Not satisfied with the photographers for your portfolio, well you just need this guy to finish the visual touch of your beauty.
Call on Sentiyanger
Address: Half nagarjan Kuda -B Lane no 22, Dimapur  

Contact: 8575797613
Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger

Meet the fashion photographer from Nagaland: Sentiyanger